What are Food Nutrition Supplements? [+ Why You Should Add Them to Your Diet]

Food nutrition supplements are designed to help you get the nutrients you need to stay healthy. The right balance of vitamins and minerals is essential for your body to function properly. In most cases, people can get all the nutrients their bodies need from eating healthy foods. However, in certain circumstances, nutrition supplements may be necessary.

Think you might need food nutrition supplements? Below we’ll discuss what nutritional supplements are, their benefits, and some of the most common nutritional supplements in Edmonton. Just remember, before adding any new supplement to your diet, be sure to discuss it with your doctor or dietician.

Ready to learn more about nutritional supplements? Let’s go!

What are nutrition supplements?

Food nutrition supplements (also known as dietary supplements) are products designed to help people meet their nutritional needs. Nutrition supplements contain concentrated forms of nutrients (e.g. proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals). They are available in many formats, including pills, capsules, bars, drinks, powders, puddings, etc.

Nutritional supplements are not meant to replace nutritious foods. Instead, they are intended only to supplement your diet and enhance the nutrients you get from eating healthy foods.

Is it good to take nutritional supplements?

Vitamins and minerals are important for good mental and physical health. They can impact your mood, brain and nervous system functioning, immune system, energy levels and other important aspects of day-to-day life. Thus, it is essential that you get all the nutrients your body needs.

Most people can get their daily nutrients by consuming a healthy diet. However, some people need help getting these nutrients. For example, if someone cannot consume enough food (or the right types of food) to meet their nutrient requirements, they may need to add nutrition supplements to their diet.

There are many reasons why people cannot get the proper nutrients they need from food alone. For instance, nutritional supplements are helpful for people who have/are:

  • A decreased appetite. This is especially common in seniors and people undergoing certain health treatments.
  • Increased nutrient needs. Women who are pregnant or nursing often require extra vitamins and minerals. In addition, people with illnesses such as cancer or kidney disease may also require more nutrients. Thus, nutritional supplements can be very beneficial.
  • Certain food allergies or preferences. For example, vegans, vegetarians and individuals allergic to red meat may have difficulty consuming enough vitamin B-12.
  • Seniors – seniors may lack essential nutrients for many reasons, including a decreased appetite. Therefore, food nutrition supplements are often required for older people. For more information about supplements for seniors, check out our Supplements for Seniors article.


In the cases above and many others, nutritional supplements are helpful and necessary to maintain good health.

Benefits of Nutrition Supplements

Nutritional supplements can have many physical and mental benefits for people experiencing vitamin and mineral deficiencies. For example, taking food nutrition supplements can:

  • Reduce bone loss and keep bones strong
  • Increase energy levels
  • Promote healthy skin
  • Help you sleep better
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Maintain healthy cells, including nerve and blood cells
  • Promote a healthy heart


Please remember: always speak to your doctor or nutritionist before adding a new supplement to your diet. 

What nutritional supplements are recommended?

Think a nutritional supplement might be right for you? Some of the most common food nutrition supplements include:

  • Calcium
  • B vitamins, especially Vitamin B-12
  • Vitamin D
  • Fish oil
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Probiotics
  • Vitamin A
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium


Now that you know more about nutritional supplements, you might be wondering – where can I buy nutrition supplements in Edmonton? Let’s take a look.

Where can I buy nutrition supplements in Edmonton?

The best place to buy food nutrition supplements in Edmonton and the surrounding area is at local health food stores. That’s because health food stores, like Vitality Health Foods, offer the largest selection of nutrition supplements. But, more importantly, the employees at health food stores in Edmonton, like Vitality Health Foods, are knowledgeable and helpful. They can assist you in choosing the right nutritional supplement for your body and health.

Need help finding the right food nutrition supplement to add to your diet? The experts at Vitality Health Foods can help. Stop by one of our health food store locations today for expert advice and the best prices on top nutritional supplement brands.

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